eLearning Learning
The Featured Sources on the Right Side of the page are more current than this list.
I was recently asked for a list of the top ten blogs that relate to corporate eLearning by someone who wanted to get a sense of content quality and value of reading blogs. I debated for a while, because I have quite a few blogs that I subscribe to and my personal style is to quickly scan a lot of blogs, selectively reading posts that I think are going to be interesting, comment on some, and post my thoughts about others. A Top Ten list is not all that relevant to my style, but I came to understand the request (from a very persistent person). That said, I still cheated (see below).
I think a better list to use is in my Blog Roll in the right column of my blog. There you can find a lot of great blogs. Further, I would highly recommend that you don't evaluate by only looking at these blogs periodically, rather - sign up for an RSS reader, e.g., Bloglines or Google Reader and subscribe to each blog. I've provided links to each blogs feed and also buttons to quickly add it to Bloglines, My Yahoo or Google Reader.
Also, if you feel I should have put other people in my Top Ten, I’m open for discussion/change.
So here are my top ten recommendations (in Alphabetical Order)...
Clive on Learning
Clive Shepherd - make learning things happen electronicallyCorporate eLearning Strategies and Development![]()
Brent Schlenker explores elearning in the corporate world -- with a personal touche-Clippings (Learning As Art)![]()
Mark Oehlert – how culture and technology come together over the space we call 'learning.'eLearning Technology![]()
Yes, completely self serving pointer to my own blog. To get a sense of the blog try: First Time Visitor Guideelearnspace![]()
George Siemens - learning, networks, knowledge, technology, communityHarold Jarche![]()
Harold Jarche's blog about "the intersection of learning, work & technology."The Learning Circuits Blog![]()
ASTD's blog associated with the Learning Circuits publication. It has various authors and does a monthly Big Question that receives contributions from many different bloggers.Informal Learning Blog![]()
Jay Cross' blog on informal learning.Learning Matters!![]()
Tony O’Driscoll – he's been around forever in eLearning and at IBM - but a relatively new blog.Learnlets![]()
Clark Quinn – Thoughts on learning and technology![]()
Now let me cheat, here are four more great blogs. The first two are great aggregators that will allow you to see lots of interesting blog posts happening out in the web.
Stephen's Web ~ OLDaily
Fantastic daily list of interesting blog posts including academia and corporate space.Big Dog, Little Dog![]()
Great aggregated links to all sorts of interesting articles.![]()
Both of these blogs are by practitioners who I believe exemplify smart blogging as a personal learning mechanism. All practitioners should be doing what they are doing!
e-Training in the Trenches
In the Middle of the Curve![]()
Finally, this is definitely the last time I do this. Next time, I'll just point people to posts like:
And suggest that you do this on your own, over time. I'll continue to keep my blog roll updated in my blog. Way easier than creating this post.
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