Sunday, September 16, 2007

Risk of Identity Theft Due to Social Networking and Blogging

First question -
Identity theft and electronic stalking are scary issues. The more one you participate in blogs, discussions groups and other social networking tools, the more information there is about you in the world for anyone to access. Does this concern you? If yes, what guidelines do you follow to minimize the risk? If no, why not?
I am definitely concerned about identity theft, and less so about electronic stalking. Of course, the situation with Kathy Sierra was an eye opener.

The basic guidelines I have is not to put anything in my blog, on a social network, even when I register on a site (even when that site is supposed to keep the information private) that I wouldn't want to be public. If you assume that everything you are doing, including what you write in email and IM, is fully public, you tend to protect yourself. In my mind, the risk is pretty high already with simply the personal search tools that exist on the web. Going to intelius hints at information that's readily available.

If I look at what I put in my blog and on social networks, I don't believe that this creates real additional risk because of the type of content I provide. Unfortunately, there will continue to be some extreme cases, but the actual risk - if you use precautions, is not significantly higher.

I'm curious if anyone does believe that blogging, social networking, etc. poses much of a risk?

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