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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Printing my iThoughtsHD Mind Maps with the HP ePrint Technology
I Feel the Need - The Need for Speed
This month's #LCBQ is: How do you address the "I want it now!" demand from stakeholders? There are some great responses that can be found by visiting the link above.
Corny 1986 line. :)
Content Needs
This is a very crude self-assessment, but I believe it makes an important point.
If you are reading this, you are a knowledge worker. Consider the content (knowledge, information, learning) you personally need to get your job done. Draw a circle in each quadrant based on the amount (percentage) of the content that you need that's:
- Slow changing vs. fast changing. Will the content remain roughly the same for two years? Or will it really be out of date in two years?
- Large audience vs. small audience. Is the content I need applicable to a relatively large audience or do I have fairly particular needs?
I did a crude version of this for myself and came up with the following:
Definitely the vast majority of the time, I'm needing information that is relatively fast moving and is specific to the particular situations I face. In fact, often the information does really exist. Actually most of us that are Concept Workers will find that we play in that upper right quadrant most of the time.
That said, there are some exceptions that I could think of. For example, I consume a fair bit of content that's around technology. There's a fair amount of it that has a pretty large applicable audience. Of course, most of it is pretty old news in two years time. There is some information around core technologies that will last longer. I also should point out that the information is more specialized all the time, meaning ever smaller audiences. So, that kind of information makes for Fast but Larger audiences.
And when you consider the trends for most concept workers (knowledge workers), we clearly are heading towards faster moving content aimed at smaller audiences.
Workplace Learning's Challenge
Now let's put on the hat of someone in workplace learning. What's our ideal kind of content?
Workplace Learning's ideal content: Slow changing and large audience
How big is that circle? How is that circle doing for most knowledge workers?
This isn't something new, it's just becoming more and more clear. I've discussed it in Disruptive Changes in Learning, Innovators' Dilemma in Learning/eLearning, Business of Learning, and Learning Performance Business Talent Focus.
The reality is that we need to find ways to insert ourselves into the faster moving content and be able to change the dynamics to reach smaller audiences. These relate to speed. One of the nice things about the responses to this month's LCBQ is that they relate directly to speed even though they were not necessarily aimed at the bigger picture above.
Responding to the Need for Speed
I like where Glenn Hansen started his answer:
- Don’t assume that training is the answer.
- Even if some kind of training is reasonable, don’t assume the stakeholder in question has identified the right solution.
And liked Glenn's point about what's required:
Work up your material to the point where it conveys the skills and knowledge needed and where it is professionally presented and fit for purpose. Don’t chase perfection, because it’s more likely your information will be out of date by the time you have it ready.
This is echoed quite a bit by the collection of Agile eLearning - 27 Great Articles that I pulled together previously.
In terms of specific suggestions there are some real nuggets in several of the responses.
Clive has some very good suggestions on speeding things up in The Big Question: How do you respond to the ‘I want it now’ demand?.
Open Sesame's response similarly has some good ideas for rapid solutions.
Jeff Goldman also has several suggestions for speeding the process or approach in his post: A Priest, A Rabbi and an Instructional Designer Are in a Bar and Identify a Training Need: A response to the #LCBQ." However, his punch-line struck me as defending slower processes:
Oh, the priest, rabbi and instructional designer identified a training need, collaborated on designing an effective learning program which was not implemented until it was damn well ready to be implemented.
It's fairly contrary to the rest of his more reasoned approach. And if the stakeholder hears slow moving training solutions as the response that won't be ready until it's "damn well ready." Well ... good luck with that.
I also feel a bit the same way about Tom Gram's response that included:
The best strategy is a preventative one.
He's correctly arguing that you should try to cut off some of the problem at the pass, but the reality is that you should get yourself ready to be fast, agile or however, you want to describe it.
So let me ask you ... do you feel the need? The need for speed?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tazzle IT Updated Features and New Pricing!
Controlling PowerPoints® and other presentations from your BlackBerry is not a new idea. However, with other solutions you compress versions and load them into your handheld. Tazzle lets you control full fidelity presentations with, embedded movies, soundtracks, any transitions, and all fonts. Tazzle IT turns your BlackBerry into a remote control for presentations like PowerPoint, PDF, or cloud-based Google Docs that run on PC’s.
Set up Tazzle’s receiver software on anyone's PC in a couple of minutes, and the next time you want to connect, the setup time is literally 10 seconds. The 3 main control buttons are easy to use.
The presentation interface on your BlackBerry is simple and to the point. Click the right arrow to advance, click the left arrow to reverse. Avid presenters will appreciate the ability to toggle screen-to-black by either clicking the screen blanking button or hitting the phone’s space bar. These new features have been added to the already amazing view, print and send features of the Tazzle IT, just as the retail price drops to $59.95!
Readers may recall that the Tazzle IT lets you print wirelessly to any PC's printer. Just plug it into the USB port, make sure the software is engaged and you’re off. Send email content right to the PC to open in Word format. "Tazzle" your attachments, like PDF's, spreadsheets, and photos and view them on the computer screen. And leave nothing behind on receiving PC's unless you choose to. The Tazzle IT key provides a secure hardware firewall between your phone and the PC, and gives you instant authentication when inserted in any PC running the Tazzle software.
Groups can now purchase a box of 50 Tazzles and receive a handy discount. Check it out at
PS- Tazzle has extended their online PROMO, so take another 40% off while it lasts!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Using WebspirationPRO for Brainstorming Ideas
Once you start using WebspirationPRO you will swear that it feels just like a desktop application until you realize that you can now access your files from any computer connected to the internet that has a browser, and that is what makes this application really stand out. Having access to my files from any computer is the new law of the land for me. The more I work with the computers - the more I want my files available 24/7 to me from anywhere I am connected. In this sense applications like WebspirationPRO become even more important to me- now if it only worked on the iPad. But yes, I know it is on the road map!
PS: Coming Soon - information about a 1 day iPad Summer Institute to be held in New Jersey
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Informix Roadshow 2011 Lisboa (Agenda)
Este artigo só está escrito em Português dada a sua natureza local
A agenda do evento Informix Roadshow 2011 a realizar no próximo dia 3 de Maio nas instalações da IBM é:
- 9:45 Registo e Boas Vindas
- 10.00 – 10.15 Discover the Next Decade of Informix at IBM
Juan Brogeras - SWG Information Management Sales Director SPGI- 10.15 – 10.45 Informix UltimateWarehouse.Transformational and Continuous Improvements for Your DataWarehouse.
Steve Shoaf -WWSales Executive - Informix & solidDB- 10.45 – 11.15 Informix Genero: Broadening the Informix 4GL Portfolio.
Manuel Jorge Sousa - Vice President 4Js for Iberia- 11.15 – 11.45 Café
- 11.45 – 12.15 Informix 11.7 solutions, features, roadmap and evolution
José Manuel Ruiz Gallud - Database Sales, Southwest IOT- 12.15 – 12.45 Upgrading Informix Dynamic Server / Case study.
- 12.45 – 13.15 Testemunho de um Informix Business Partner
- 13.15 – 13.30 Wrap up / Almoço
Faça a sua inscrição através do email
Estacionamento gratuito no parque do Hotel Vip Art’s (mesmo em frente ao Edf IBM no Parque das Nações em Lisboa)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Informix Roadshow 2011 Lisboa
Este artigo só está escrito em Português dada a natureza local
Versão Portuguesa:
A IBM vai realizar o Informix Roadshow 2011 no dia 3 de Maio, no IBM Fórum Lisboa (instalações da IBM no Parque das Nações).
Será meio dia dedicado às últimas novidades da família Informix. Em particular:
- Funcionalidades da versão 11.7 (Panther)
- Informix Warehouse Accelerator
- Informix Genero
As sessões contarão com oradores nacionais e internacionais. Haverá tempo para questões e interação entre clientes, parceiros e equipa IBM.
Não deixe se comparecer e se não receber convite nos próximos dias não deixe de contactar a IBM ou a mim pessoalmente.
No final das sessões será proporcionado um almoço onde terá toda a equipa IBM e oradores à sua disposição para qualquer esclarecimento adicional.
O convite é extensível a todos os que não sendo clientes ou parceiros desejem conhecer melhor uma base de dados fiável, robusta, rápida, moderna, extensível e especialmente adaptada para ambientes "embebidos".
Finalmente, mantenha-se atento a este espaço para obter informação mais detalhada sobre a agenda.
Friday, April 8, 2011
RFB&D Releases App for the iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch
The audiobooks are all human narration and it is possible with the RFB&D App to have the reader slow down or speed up as well you can also bookmark the page for future reference. Because the audiobook is a DAISY file the book allows you the freedom to navigate by levels and pages numbers if you wish. The quality of the audio is excellent when listening to the audio book on my iPad. This is a big step forward for RFB&D to have the app running on iOS devices and I hope that in the future we will be able to download books without the need to use the Download Manager- like we do when downloading from the Apple iBooks store or from the Kindle Bookstore.
The RFB&D app is a great step forward for the organization but more so, for all the students that rely on audiobooks and want the convenience to be able to play them on their favorite iOS device. The RFB&D App costs $19.99 and can be downloaded from the Apple Apps Store.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Digital Pen & Paper Solution from AssistiveTek, LLC
Side by Side View: Handwriting on Left and Processed Form on the Right Click on Image to Zoom In |
One of the factors which has always drawn me to this technology is ease of use. As a consultant, I spend most of my time training others on how to use hardware and software. To tell you the truth, if you know how to use a pen and paper you are set to go. The pen operates like an ordinary pen except for the fact that it can make sense of where it is on the page with its built-in camera which is oriented by the microdot pattern on the paper. As a mobile user- you can simply complete the form and when you are back in the office dock your pen to complete the process. The process is easy and seamless and just works. Think of the hours saved on data entry and think about the reliability of the data coming into the system as compared to when users are manually re-keying in information they are pulling off of forms.
If you are working in environments that still dictate the collection of data on paper forms- then you really owe it to yourself to take a look at the latest digital pen and paper solution that is being offered by AssistiveTek, LLC. If you are interested in a free demo to see if this is the right solution for you then click here to register and I will get back to you on a time and date that we can meet over the web. Come and learn about the advantages of using digital pen and paper solutions in your business or organization and how it can help solve your needs.
Agile eLearning - 27 Great Articles
The first couple of responses to this month's LCBQ Addressing I Want it Now #LCBQ have come in and Kasper Spiro's caught my eye: On demand: agile e-Learning development #LCBQ. Like Kasper, I'm very familiar with Agile in software development. I was not as familiar with it in terms of eLearning development.
So, I wanted to pull together some reading and resources around Agile eLearning, Agile ADDIE, etc.
I found some amazing resources using eLearning Learning and via search:
- What Agile Means to Me- ID Reflections
- ADDIE isn't Dead; it's just more Agile- Integrated Learnings
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Of Project Spaces & Project Managers- The Learning Generalist
- Agile instructional design- Jay Cross's Informal Learning
- Agility and Autonomy- Learning and Working on the Web
- Designing for Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog
- No time for design?- Making Change
- Agile, Lego and Training: The common factors.- ID Reflections
- Agile e-learning- Clive on Learning
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Agile Re-explained- The Learning Generalist
- I lost my agile virginity- Challenge to Learn
- Tackling Wicked Problems Using an Iterative Approach- ID Reflections
- Get Real: Mission Critical E-learning- Lars is Learning
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Why Synchronous Learning makes so much sense today- The Learning Generalist
- ADDIE isn't dead; how can it be?- Integrated Learnings
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual: Problems with existing approaches- The Learning Generalist
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Iterations huh?- The Learning Generalist
- Agility through collaboration- Learning and Working on the Web
- The Periodic Table of Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Harold Jarche » Instructional Design Needs More Agility- Learning and Working on the Web
- Orientation in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Towards an alternative e-learning- Onlignment
- Agile Design: An Ethos for Creating Learning Platforms- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Planning in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Selection in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Iterations in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Agile Learning Design: Tools for Learners- Big Dog, Little Dog
Bonus Items Recommended by my Tweets
I'm still studying all of this to see whether I really buy that Agile methods will work. Lots of my experience tells me that while we intended to be Agile, put something out and then update it. It's the updating part that doesn't happen. If Agile turns into rapid elearning, then we are back to Rapid eLearning Tools Debate.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Inspiration Launches Webspiration Pro
Monday, April 4, 2011
New products / Novos produtos
Este artigo está disponível em Inglês e Português
English version:
Informix Warehouse Accelerator
There are several news in the Informix area. As I mentioned in the last article, version 11.7.xC2 is already available (including the update on the documentation center), but that's not all. One of the major features of 11.7.xC2 is that it supports a new product called Informix Warehouse Accelerator. This is a separate installable component, that uses a columnar based approach and holds copy of certain groups of tables (datamarts). The data is stored in memory and the queries that can be solved by this system are transparently sent from the main instance. If the data you're querying is not stored/duplicated in the system than the query is solved by the Informix instance. The principle is terribly simple and the installation and configuration is very straight forward. The Accelerator is only available for Linux x86_64 but can work together with Informix on other platforms. The product includes an eclipse based tool to manage the data mapping and configuration of your Informix instance. The product is oriented for data warehouse workloads and was already available for DB2 on z/OS.
The Informix Ultimate Warehouse Edition includes the usual Informix features, the Warehouse Accelerator, compression, LBAC, replications etc.
I've done a few preliminary tests and I can assure you the configuration is very easy. Expect some details in a future article. Meanwhile you can start discovering it at the following URL:
Informix Genero
Informix Genero is another new product targeting the 4GL users. You may recognize the name as a 4JS product. It enables the modernization of 4GL applications (new interface, new functionalities, new deployment environments).
I've seen lots of customers with very customized, flexible and stable applications running with Informix 4GL that complain about the looks (character based) and some lack of functionalities. Nevertheless they don't want to leave 4GL for several reasons:
- 4GL productivity
- Programmers mindset (4GL is a procedural language, and moving to object oriented is not always easy)
- Ease of debug
- Stability
- etc.
Partners conference calls:
If you have interest in these two topics, you can try to check these two partner conference calls:
- Informix Ultimate Warehouse Editions:
April 5, at 10:00 Eastern Time (for Americas and EMEA)
April 5, at 20:00 Eastern Time (for Asia and Pacific)
- Informix Genero
April 7, at 10:00 Eastern Time (for Americas and EMEA)
April 7, at 20:00 Eastern Time (for Asia and Pacific)
Versão Portuguesa:
Informix Warehouse Accelerator
Há várias noticias na área de Informix. Como mencionei no último artigo, a versão 11.7.xC2 já está disponível (incluindo a actualização no centro de documentação), mas não é tudo. Uma das funcionalidades da 11.7.xC2 é suportar um novo produto chamado Informix Warehouse Accelerator. Este é um componente instalado separadamente, que usa uma abordagem orientada a colunas e que guarda uma cópia de vários groupos de tabelas (datamarts). Estes dados são guardados em memória e a queries que possam resolver-se no novo sistema serão enviadas transparentementde pelo sistema principal. Se os dados não que estamos a interrogar não existirem neste sistema, então a query é resolvida pelo sistema principal. O princípi é terrivelmente simples bem como a configuração e instalação. O Accelerator só existe para Linux x86_64 (mas pode estar ligado a uma instância Informix noutra plataforma). O produto incluí uma ferramenta baseada no Eclipse que permite a gestão dos mapeamentos de dados e a configuração da instância Informix. O produto é orientado a ambientes de data warehouse e já estava disponível para DB2 em z/OS.
O Informix Ultimate Warehouse Edition incluí as funcionalidades habituais do motor, o Warehouse Accelerator, compressão LBAC, replicação etc.
Já tive oportunidade de fazer alguns testes preliminares e posso assegurar que a configuração é de facto muito fácil. Aguarde mais detalhes num futuro artigo. Entretanto pode começar a descobrir o assunto no seguinte URL:
Informix Genero
O Informix Genero é outro produto cujo alvo são os utilizadores de 4GL. Talvez reconheça o nome como um produto da 4JS. Permite a modernização de aplicações 4GL (novo interface, novas funcionalidades, novos ambinetes de utilização).
Tenho visto muitos clientes com aplicações muito adaptadas, fléxivies e estáveis que sistematicamente se quixam do aspecto (baseado em caracter) e alguma falta de funcionalidades.
No entanto não querem deixar o 4GL por várias razoes.:
- Produtividade do 4GL
- Orientação dos programadores(4GL é uma linguagem procedimental e a mudança para programação orientada a objectos nem sempre é fácil)
- Facilidade de despiste de problemas
- Estabilidade
- etc.
Conferências para parceiras;
Se tem interesse em algum destes tópicos pode tentar assistir a estas duas reuniões
Informix Ultimate Warehouse Editions:
- 5 de Abril, às 10:00 Eastern Time (para as Americas e EMEA)
5 de Abril, às 20:00 Eastern Time (para a Asia e o Pacifico)
- Informix Genero
7 de Abril, às 10:00 Eastern Time (para as Americas e EMEA)
7 de Abril, às 20:00 Eastern Time (Asia e Pacifico)